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Make a donation

Sponsor a Lunch  $500
Half Tuition One Student $1,500 (½ Scholarship Sponsor)
Full Tuition One Student $3,000 (Scholarship Sponsor)
Childcare for a Cohort $4,500
Bronze Partner Annual Member $5,000
Silver Partner Annual $10,000
Gold Partner $20,000
Premium Partner - Sponsor a Full Cohort $50,000


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Become a Volunteer

We rely heavily on volunteers who donate their time to help Tech-Moms with career exploration, coaching, and mentoring. If you’re interested in supporting women as they move into tech careers, come volunteer with us!

Women helpig women, Utah Non-profit designed to provide mentorship and support for women relaunching their careers
Hire a Tech-Mom, help Utah women rejoin the workforce by hiring a tech-mom

Become a Hiring Partner

Engage a tech-savvy mom. Share your job openings and collaborate with our dedicated placement coordinator.

Title Sponsors

Microsoft logo
pluralsight tech-moms title sponsor
nbc comcast tech-moms title sponsor
meta tech-moms title sponsor

Tech-Moms Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

Community Partners

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